Religious Education

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Matador (8.00)
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    Religious Education
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Top movies

1. 8.00
2. 7.73
3. 7.40
4. Sof Shavua B'Tel Aviv (2008) 7.40
5. The Others (2001) 7.09
6. Hairspray (2007) 7.00
7. Gandhi (1982) 6.91
8. Takva (2006) 6.80
9. Breaking The Waves (1996) 6.51
10. Keeping the Faith (2000) 6.50
11. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring (2003) 6.40
12. Requiem (2006) 6.38
13. 10 Questions for the Dalai Lama (2006) 6.33
14. The Virgin Suicides (1999) 6.31
15. My Life in Orange (2011) 6.25
16. Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit (1993) 6.20
17. Ken Park (2002) 6.00
18. Brother Sun, Sister Moon (1973) 4.00

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