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Known Movies:
First Movie:
My Uncle (1958)
Highest Rated Movie:
My Uncle (8.00)
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Anonymous BiwljDF/ggh W7tRowBgbJw
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Top movies

1. 8.00
2. 7.73
3. 7.67
4. Snow White (2005) 7.67
5. What Have I Done to Deserve This? (1984) 7.67
6. Over the Hedge (2006) 7.67
7. Fish Tank (2009) 7.60
8. Traffic (2000) 7.50
9. Any Number Can Win (1963) 7.50
10. Games of Love and Chance (2003) 7.50
11. Date Night (2010) 7.33
12. American Beauty (1999) 7.33
13. Fright Night (2011) 7.25
14. The War of the Roses (1989) 7.14
15. Dog Days (2001) 7.00
16. E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982) 6.96
17. Gran Torino (2008) 6.86
18. Me and You and Everyone We Know (2005) 6.83
19. I Always Wanted to Be a Gangster (2008) 6.80
20. The Whole nine Yards (2000) 6.80
21. Paris, je t'aime (2006) 6.79
22. Down in the Valley (2005) 6.75
23. The Breakfast Club (1985) 6.70
24. The 'Burbs (1989) 6.67
25. 7 (seven) Virgins (2004) 6.64

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