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Top movies

1. 9.33
2. 8.67
3. 8.40
4. A Most Wanted Man (2014) 8.00
5. The Bank Job (2008) 7.67
6. A Beautiful Mind (2001) 7.60
7. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011) 7.60
8. The Imitation Game (2014) 7.38
9. Marathon Man (1976) 7.33
10. Safe House (2012) 7.33
11. NATO's Secret Armies (2009) 7.33
12. Empire of the Wolves (2005) 7.25
13. The Firm (1993) 7.12
14. Roman Holiday (1953) 7.00
15. The Russia House (1990) 7.00
16. Limitless (2011) 6.90
17. The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956) 6.84
18. The 39 Steps (1935) 6.83
19. Men In Black (1997) 6.73
20. Syriana (2005) 6.63
21. Dr. No (1962) 6.58
22. In the Name of the Father (1993) 6.50
23. OSS 117: Lost in Rio (2009) 6.50
24. Harodim - Nichts als die Wahrheit? (2012) 6.50
25. Sneakers (1992) 6.41

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