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Known Movies:
First Movie:
Topaz (1945)
Highest Rated Movie:
Flatliners (7.38)
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Selected Movies

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Anonymous BiwljDF/ggh W7tRowBgbJw
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Top movies

1. 7.38
2. 7.33
3. 7.33
4. Caché (2005) 7.00
5. Sex, Lies, an d Videotape (1989) 6.79
6. Super 8 (2011) 6.67
7. Benny's Video (1992) 6.62
8. Be Kind Rewind (2008) 6.56
9. Rec (2007) 6.56
10. Grizzly Man (2005) 6.55
11. 1. Mai (2008) 6.40
12. Four Lions (2010) 6.40
13. Lemming (2005) 6.31
14. Vantage Point (2008) 6.29
15. Mr. Bean's Holiday (2007) 6.17
16. Cloverfield (2008) 6.13
17. Muxmäuschenstill (2004) 6.00
18. Reality Bites (1994) 6.00
19. Agnes and His Brothers (2004) 5.80
20. Disturbia (2007) 5.70
21. Bruce Almighty (2003) 5.53
22. Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension (2015) 5.33
23. Paranormal Activity (2007) 5.17
24. American Pie presents: Band Camp (2005) 4.67
25. Pornorama (2007) 4.14

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