Rise and Fall

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Known Movies:
First Movie:
Harlow (1965)
Highest Rated Movie:
The Artist (7.75)
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Top movies

1. 7.75
2. 7.67
3. 7.67
4. Scarface (1983) 7.66
5. Casino (1995) 7.59
6. The Dog of Wallstreet (2013) 7.38
7. The Natural (1984) 7.33
8. 24 Hour Party People (2002) 7.33
9. The Aviator (2004) 7.14
10. 23 (1999) 6.83
11. Walk the Line (2005) 6.83
12. Magnolia (2000) 6.76
13. Ícaro Krautchuk (2007) 6.75
14. Blow (2001) 6.66
15. Raging Bull (1980) 6.46
16. Arms and the Dudes (2016) 6.33
17. Control (2007) 6.27
18. Brother (2001) 6.20
19. The Runaways (2010) 6.00
20. Chiko (2008) 5.75
21. 99 F (2007) 5.33
22. Zeiten ändern Dich (2010) 4.33

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