

The history site provides an overview of all changes that have been made on this omdb site.

System2019-01-15 04:42changed external link to
Jo (contribs)2016-12-08 21:09changed external link to
ElmanSmithee (contribs)2012-01-05 14:59Category Confrontation
Category Door
Category Cupboard
Category Fear of the dark
Category Darkness
Category Dark
Category Present
Category England
2012-01-05 14:58Category Suburb
Category Terraced House
Category Creature
Category Trauma
2012-01-05 14:57Category Father-Daughter-Relationship
Category Faith
Category Priest
Category Persecution Mania
2012-01-05 14:56Category Threat
Category Einbildung
Category Phantom
Category Creature
Category Monster
Category Suspenseful
Category Creepy
Category Serious
2012-01-05 14:55Enrique Chediak as Director of Photography
Roque Baños as Original Music Composer
Marie-Krolock (contribs)2011-12-23 12:59changed Budget to 13000000
changed Runtime from 0 to 100
release date set to 2011-09-12
Language Spanish
Country United States of America
Country United Kingdom
Country Spain
changed Status from Rumored to Released
2011-12-23 12:58deleted category
2011-12-23 12:55Category Thriller
Category Ghost-Movie
deleted category