

The history site provides an overview of all changes that have been made on this omdb site.

System2019-01-18 15:32changed external link to
nipi66 (contribs)2018-10-25 18:37changed external link to
guggenheim (contribs)2012-11-07 13:43Category Family
Category Halloween
deleted category
Category Haunted House
Category Attempted murder
Category Conspiracy of Murder
Category Suspicion of Murder
Category Computer System
Category Internet
Category Computer
2012-11-07 13:28Alice Cooper as Actor
Category Creepy
Category Suspenseful
Category Funny
Category Horror comedy
2012-11-07 13:27Joey Politowski as Actor
2012-11-07 13:26Sola Fasehun as Actor
Ricky Dominguez as Actor
Constance Estevez as Actor
Collin McShane as Actor
Hawk Younkins as Actor
2012-11-07 13:25Brenna Roth as Actor
Charlie Callas as Actor
Candice Michelle as Actor
Julianne Michelle as Actor
Joe Estevez as Actor
2012-11-07 13:24Jay Thomas as Actor
Stuart Charno as Actor
Bill Daily as Actor
Johnny Whitaker as Actor
Flavor Flav as Actor
Kathy Garver as Actor
Robert Easton as Actor
2012-11-07 13:23Alejandra Gutierrez as Actor
Michael Lohan as Actor
Bill Houskeeper as Actor
George Clinton as Actor
2012-11-07 13:22Victoria De Mare as Actor