Above the Law


The history site provides an overview of all changes that have been made on this omdb site.

System2022-01-05 02:28changed Revenue to 18900000
Jo (contribs)2021-02-21 22:27changed external link to arte
System2020-06-10 10:35changed external link to empty
2019-01-19 08:06changed external link to
Jo (contribs)2018-04-07 22:03changed external link to
philm_ab (contribs)2011-02-18 12:30Category Italy
ElmanSmithee (contribs)2010-08-17 13:45Category 1980s
Category Recruit
Category 1969
2010-08-17 13:44Category Nicaragua
Category Cervical Dislocation
2010-08-17 13:43Category Explosive
Category Death by Explosion
Category Priest
Category Messe
2010-08-17 13:42Category Investigation
2010-08-17 13:41Category Italy
Category Japan
2010-08-17 13:37Category Police
2010-08-17 13:35Category Suspenseful
Category Rough
Category Serious
Jonzie (contribs)2009-04-17 09:54deleted category
Category Corruption
Anonymous JvFlnNJqumm VgwximEMLKQ2008-05-14 18:21created article Above the Law
no comment entered
Jonzie (contribs)2008-05-14 18:19Category Senator
deleted category
2008-05-14 18:10Category Drug Scene
2008-05-14 18:09Category Assault
2008-05-14 18:08Category Chicago
2008-05-14 18:07Category Martial Arts
deleted category
2008-05-14 18:06Category Torture
Category Vietnam
Category Cop
Category Drug Scene
2008-05-14 18:05Category CIA
Category Guy Movie
Category Martial Arts
Category Thriller