3 movies since 1995
Screenplay | |||||
1997 | - | ▶ Mommy 2: Mommy's Day | |
1995 | - | Mommy | |
- | ▶ The Expert | |
2 movies since 1995
Director | |||||
1997 | - | ▶ Mommy 2: Mommy's Day | |
1995 | - | Mommy | |
1 movie since 2011
Director of Photography | |||||
2011 | - | ▶ Mad Bastards | |
1 movie since
Story | |||||
- | Black Hats | |
1 movie since 2002
Graphic Novel | |||||
2002 | - | ▶ Road to Perdition | |
Max Allan Collins
Screenplay, Director, Director of Photography, Story, Graphic Novel
There are no alternative names defined
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Last Movies
▶ Mommy 2: Mommy's Day (1997)
Director: Max Allan Collins
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Selected Movies
▶ The Expert (1995)
Director: Rick Avery, William Lustig
with: Jeff Speakman, James Brolin, Michael Shaner
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