5 movies since 1968
Director | |||||
2007 | - | Argentina latente | |
1992 | - | The Journey | |
1988 | - | Sur | |
1985 | - | Tangos, the Exile of Gardel | |
1968 | - | The Hour of the Furnaces | |
4 movies since 1985
Screenplay | |||||
2007 | - | Argentina latente | |
1992 | - | The Journey | |
1988 | - | Sur | |
1985 | - | Tangos, the Exile of Gardel | |
3 movies since 1968
Director of Photography | |||||
2007 | - | Argentina latente | |
1992 | - | The Journey | |
1968 | - | The Hour of the Furnaces | |
1 movie since 1992
Producer | |||||
1992 | - | The Journey | |
1 movie since 1992
Original Music Composer | |||||
1992 | - | The Journey | |
Fernando Solanas
Director, Screenplay, Director of Photography, Producer, Original Music Composer
Place of Birth:
Day of Death:
(aged 84)
- Fernando E. Solanas
- Fernando Pino Solanas
- Pino Solanas
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Selected Movies
Tangos, the Exile of Gardel (1985)
Director: Fernando Solanas
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