
Miami Vice


The history site provides an overview of all changes that have been made on this omdb site.

System2021-11-16 19:28changed external link to RTL+
Jo (contribs)2021-09-06 21:45Country United States of America
Language English
Jo (contribs)2019-03-02 23:05changed external link to
bjoernlsa (contribs)2010-10-13 10:42Category Miami
2010-10-13 10:41Category Funny
Category Suspenseful
2010-10-04 09:03release date set to 1990-01-25
release date set to 1984-09-16
MuffinMan (contribs)2010-04-29 15:50Category 1980s
2010-04-29 15:43release date set to
Feininger75 (contribs)2010-04-29 13:19Category Cool
Category Drama
Category Police Film
Category Action
2010-04-29 13:18Category Playboy
Category Outsider
Category Rebellious
Category Rebel
Category Cocaine
Category Drug Mule
Category Drug Dealer
Category Drug Boss
Category Drug Traffic
Category Police Unit
Category Police Chief
Category Policeman
2010-04-29 13:17Category Special Unit
Category Police Station
Category House Search
Category Raid
Category Police Operation
Category Police Everyday Life
Category DEA
Category Investigation
Category Shadowing
Category Police
release date set to 1984-09-16
release date set to 1984-09-16
2010-04-29 13:10created Miami Vice