
Agatha Christie's Marple


The history site provides an overview of all changes that have been made on this omdb site.

Jo (contribs)2021-09-01 22:05Country United Kingdom
Language English
Jo (contribs)2016-12-15 00:27changed external link to’s_Marple
Jo (contribs)2016-04-01 09:40Country United States of America
Country United Kingdom
Language English
changed name from Jane Marple to Agatha Christie's Marple
Anonymous 02+RaVPfVPD iARkY5kr7ZA2007-12-27 01:56release date set to 2007-08-19
Anonymous txfPGDOzO/Y U+6Ltw51NEg2007-12-26 15:45release date set to 2006-01-15
Anonymous 3H7TgUE5LGZ auRdR0yjSUQ2007-12-26 14:37release date set to 2005-01-02
created article Agatha Christie's Marple
no comment entered
Peter (contribs)2007-12-26 07:50release date set to
2007-12-26 07:48deleted category
Category Family Film
Category Film Produced For TV
Category Mystery Thriller
Category Drama
Category Detective Film
release date set to 2004-12-12
Language English
Country United States of America
Country United Kingdom
Company Granada Television
Company Independent Television Service
2007-12-26 07:46created Agatha Christie's Marple