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Enemy on the Hill


The history site provides an overview of all changes that have been made on this omdb site.

System2020-05-25 13:58Language English
Jo (contribs)2017-07-16 14:43changed external link to
uzi (contribs)2012-02-13 05:51Kevin Cotteleer as Actor
Daniel Louis Rivas as Actor
2012-02-13 05:50Shannon Wilcox as Actor
Melissa Ponzio as Actor
Brett Tucker as Actor
Jack Conley as Actor
uzi (contribs)2012-02-06 08:02Mitchel Stanley as Editor
Frank Cardea as Screenplay
George Schenck as Screenplay
Dennis Smith as Director
2012-01-23 07:07release date set to 2011-10-11
created Enemy on the Hill