Victoria Ekanoye


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1 desde 2015
Fecha de nacimiento:
1982 (~42 años)
Lugar de nacimiento:
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Última edición por Persona :
23 películas desde 2015


2018 - The Royals > Season 4 > Forgive Me This My Virtue (Rachel)
- The Royals > Season 4 > There's Daggers in Men's Smiles (Rachel)
- The Royals > Season 4 > Black As His Purpose Did The Night Resemble (Rachel)
- The Royals > Season 4 > Seek For thy Noble Father in The Dust (Rachel)
2017 - The Royals > Season 3 > To Show My Duty in Your Coronation (Rachel)
- The Royals > Season 3 > Born to Set it Right (Rachel)
- The Royals > Season 3 > Our (Late) Dear Brother's Death (Rachel)
2016 - The Royals > Season 3 > Passing Through Nature to Eternity (Rachel)
- The Royals > Season 3 > Together With Remembrance Of Ourselves (Rachel)
- The Royals > Season 2 > The Serpent That Did Sting Thy Father’s Life (Rachel)
- The Royals > Season 2 > And Then It Started Like a Guilty Thing (Rachel)
2015 - The Royals > Season 2 > Doubt Truth to Be a Liar (Rachel)
- The Royals > Season 2 > Is Not This Something More Than Fantasy? (Rachel)
- The Royals > Season 2 > Welcome Is Fashion and Ceremony (Rachel)
- The Royals > Season 2 > It Is Not, nor It Cannot Come to Good (Rachel)
- The Royals > Season 1 > Our Wills and Fates Do So Contrary Run (Rachel)
- The Royals > Season 1 > In My Heart There Was a Kind of Fighting (Rachel)
- The Royals > Season 1 > The Great Man Down (Rachel)
- The Royals > Season 1 > Your Sovereignty of Reason (Rachel)
- The Royals > Season 1 > Sweet, Not Lasting (Rachel)
- The Royals > Season 1 > We Are Pictures, or Mere Beasts (Rachel)
- The Royals > Season 1 > Infants of the Spring (Rachel)
- The Royals > Season 1 > Stand and Unfold Yourself (Rachel)