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    Central Park
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Anonymous BiwljDF/ggh W7tRowBgbJw
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Top movies

1. 8.20
2. 7.67
3. 7.33
4. The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008) 7.00
5. Deconstructing Harry (1997) 6.85
6. The Manchurian Candidate (1962) 6.82
7. Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) 6.75
8. Bee Movie (2007) 6.60
9. Rescate (1996) 6.50
10. The Nanny Diaries (2007) 6.25
11. Cloverfield (2008) 6.13
12. Home Alone 2 - Lost in New York (1992) 6.10
13. The Gates (2005) 5.67
14. Otto - Der Katastrofenfilm (2000) 5.00
15. The Happening (2008) 4.80

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