Azura Skye


13 películas desde 2000


2020 - Charmed > Season 2 > Needs to Know (Helen McGantry)
2019 - Charmed > Season 2 > Deconstructing Harry (Helen McGantry)
2015 - Minority Report > Season 1 > The Present (Dina Winter)
2012 - Grimm > Season 1 > The Thing with Feathers (Robin Steinkellner)
2008 - 20 Years After (Sarah Stockwell)
- One Missed Call (Leann Cole)
2007 - Bones > Season 3 > The Mummy in the Maze (Amber Kippler)
2006 - Los chicos de Scottsboro (Ruby Bates)
2005 - The Wendell Baker Story (May)
2003 - Carolina (Georgia Mirabeau)
2002 - Red Dragon (Bookseller)
2001 - Bandits (Cheri)
2000 - 28 días (Andrea)