
Oliver Muirhead


16 películas desde 1989


2023 - El joven Sheldon > Season 6 > A Tornado, a 10-Hour Flight and a Darn Fine Ring (Dr. Van Doornewaard)
2019 - Brooklyn Nine-Nine > Season 6 > The Bimbo (Dean Wesley Allister)
2016 - Dos chicas sin blanca > Season 6 > And the Two Openings: Part Two (Dr. Gomulka)
- Castle > Season 8 > Una Puñalada Por La Espalda (Bryce Robert)
2013 - Psych > Season 7 > Santabarbaratown 2 (Julian Drake)
2011 - Like Crazy (Bernard)
2010 - Castle > Season 3 > La Última Llamada (Steven Heisler)
2009 - The Big Bang Theory > Temporada 3 > The Pirate Solution (Professor Laughlin)
- Bones > Season 4 > The Princess and the Pear (Badgley Mormont)
2008 - Grave Misconduct (Don Crown)
2007 - Alvin and the Chipmunks (Butler)
2005 - Fun with Dick and Jane (Account Rep - Grand Cayman Bank)
2000 - ¡Cómo mola ser mono! (Dr. Peaboy)
1999 - El Duque (Cecil Cavendish)
1993 - Grey Knight (Richard Bradley)
1989 - Tarzán en Manhattan (n/a)