

omdb is provided under a free license. Thus it is possible to use the data following the license conditions.

At the moment there is no API for omdb but the following data is available in CSV format. The files each contain parts of the database and are updated several times a day, but only if the contained data has changed. The term “movies” does include series and episodes (with exeption of the file “all_movies.csv”).

The last file, “movie_content_updates.csv”, indicates when a description or an abstract for a movie has been changed the last time in whatever language. So there is no use to download a description for a movie again, if this date has not changed. Movies whose id is not present in this file don’t have a description.

To get the data of a specific movie in Xml format you have to add ”/embed_data” to the url:[movie_id]/embed_data

It is recommended to cache the downloaded data since most of the data doesn’t change for months. For the above files you can check the timestamp to see if a new download is necessary.

omdb on your homepage

omdb information on movies can also be embedded into your homepage, see embed movie information.