
Stephanie Kurtzuba


14 films depuis 2004


2021 - Grey's Anatomy : Station 19 > Season 4 > Train in Vain (Opal)
2019 - Blue Bloods > Season 10 > Grave Errors (Sergeant McNichols)
- Blue Bloods > Season 10 > Behind the Smile (Sergeant McNichols)
- The Irishman (Irene Sheeran)
2018 - Bull > Season 2 > La Mort sous contrat (Rebecca Lexington)
2016 - Chicago Police Department > Season 4 > The Silos (Detective Ricci)
2014 - The Good Wife > Season 5 > The Deep Web (Olivia Beck)
2013 - Le Loup de Wall Street (Kimmie Belzer)
- The Good Wife > Season 5 > The Next Day (Olivia)
- Elementary > Season 1 > À vos risques et périls (Eileen Rourke)
2012 - Obsession maladive (Nadia)
2011 - The Good Wife > Season 3 > Death Row Tip (Public Defender)
2010 - The Good Wife > Season 2 > Breaking Fast (Defense Attorney)
2004 - Amour, amitié et petites infidélités (Sheila)