

Write an article about a movie character

At least a short description should be entered for each movie character that has its own page in omdb (see: Create movie character). To do this, click on “edit short description” on the page about the movie character. In the new window you can now enter your text. The short description of a movie character should always clarify the context in which the character first appears (novel? film? etc.) and who created it (author? comic artist? etc.). However, the short description must not exceed a length of 400 characters.

In addition, you can enter extensive information about this movie character in the form of an article. To do this, click on “edit article”. The main features of the character are of particular interest, i.e. the appearance, character, typical plot patterns, etc. The development of the character through different movies, but also differences to a novel character (if relevant) should be examined. If certain actors have particularly influenced the character through their interpretation, this should of course also be mentioned.

Please also note our general information about good articles!