Seeing, Listening and Sensing


La page historique fournit un apercu de toutes les modifications effectuées sur le site omdb.

Anonymous 92Hlg7v/3fy FSwo3OjDj+A2013-05-21 08:54changed popularity from 73 to 74
axel (contributions)2010-03-15 15:53changed slug to
changed Nom from Seeing, Listening and Sensing to Viendo, escuchando y sintiendo
benjamin (contributions)2009-03-23 17:38changed parent_id from 8 to 10032
changed parent_id from 8 to 10032
annasita (contributions)2007-06-01 13:56changed Nom from Seeing, Listening, Sensing to Seeing, Listening and Sensing
changed Nom from Sehen, Hören, Spüren to Sehen, Hören und Spüren
Anonymous BiwljDF/ggh W7tRowBgbJw2007-02-28 18:43Seeing, Listening and Sensing créé(e)(s)