10 films depuis 1985


1995 - Papa bricole > Season 4 > Talk To Me
1993 - Papa bricole > Season 2 > The Great Race
1992 - Papa bricole > Season 1 > Stereo-Typical
1988 - The Cosby Show > Season 4 > Petanque
1987 - The Cosby Show > Season 4 > Dance Mania
- The Cosby Show > Season 4 > Autumn Gifts
- The Cosby Show > Season 3 > I Know That You Know
- The Cosby Show > Season 3 > The Shower
1986 - The Cosby Show > Season 3 > Cliff In Charge
1985 - The Cosby Show > Season 2 > Clair's Toe
1 film depuis 2000


2000 - Ce que veulent les femmes
1 film depuis 2000


2000 - Où le cœur nous mène
1 film depuis 2010


2010 - Sensual
1 film depuis 1988


1988 - Roseanne > Season 1