Vik Sahay


Editer Aide


10 depuis 1996
1971 (~53 ans)
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Editer Aide

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    Vikram Sahay
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Anonymous BiwljDF/ggh W7tRowBgbJw
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25 films depuis 1996


2019 - Captain Marvel (Hero Torfan)
2018 - Scorpion > Season 4 > Rendez-moi mon QI (Raja Bhatt)
2017 - Preacher > Season 2 > Mumbai Sky Tower (Frank Patel)
- Grimm > Season 6 > The Son Also Rises (Dr. Sanji Raju)
2016 - Lucifer > Season 2 > Le Purificateur (Ray Codfree)
- The Catch > Season 1 > The Ringer (Vincent Singh)
- The X-Files > The X-Files > Les Enfants du chaos (Gupta)
2015 - A Date with Miss Fortune (Wilson)
2014 - NCIS : Enquêtes spéciales > Season 12 > Les Règles de nos pères (Henry Kahn)
2013 - Wer (Eric Sarin)
- Mentalist > Season 6 > Les Ailes coupées (Nicholas)
- NCIS : Enquêtes spéciales > Season 10 > De la vieille école (Ajay Khan)
- Bones > Season 8 > Les Passages verts (Akshay Mirza)
2012 - My Awkward Sexual Adventure (Dandak)
- American Reunion (Prateek Duraiswamy)
2011 - Chuck > Season 5 (Lester Patel)
- Afghan Luke (Imran Sahar)
2010 - Chuck > Season 4 (Lester Patel)
- Chuck > Season 3 (Lester Patel)
2008 - Chuck > Season 2 (Lester Patel)
- Roxy Hunter and the Secret of the Shaman (Ramma)
2007 - Chuck > Season 1 (Lester)
1999 - eXistenZ (Male Assistant)
1997 - Will Hunting (M.I.T. Student #3)
1996 - Hollow Point (Livingston's Assistant)