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1972 - The Mary Tyler Moore Show > The Good Time News
- The Mary Tyler Moore Show > What Is Mary Richards Really Like?
- The Mary Tyler Moore Show > Who's in Charge Here?
- The Mary Tyler Moore Show > Enter Rhoda's Parents
- The Mary Tyler Moore Show > It's Whether You Win or Lose
- The Mary Tyler Moore Show > Rhoda the Beautiful
- The Mary Tyler Moore Show > Just Around the Corner
- The Mary Tyler Moore Show > But Seriously, Folks
- The Mary Tyler Moore Show > Farmer Ted and the News
- The Mary Tyler Moore Show > Have I Found a Guy for You
- The Mary Tyler Moore Show > You've Got a Friend
- The Mary Tyler Moore Show > It Was Fascination, I Know
- The Mary Tyler Moore Show > Operation: Lou
- The Mary Tyler Moore Show > Rhoda Morgenstern: Minneapolis to New York
- The Mary Tyler Moore Show > The Courtship of Mary's Father's Daughter
1973 - The Mary Tyler Moore Show > Lou's Place
- The Mary Tyler Moore Show > My Brother's Keeper
- The Mary Tyler Moore Show > The Georgette Story
- The Mary Tyler Moore Show > Romeo and Mary
- The Mary Tyler Moore Show > What Do You Say When the Boss Says 'I Love You'?
- The Mary Tyler Moore Show > Murray Faces Life
- The Mary Tyler Moore Show > Remembrance of Things Past
- The Mary Tyler Moore Show > Put on a Happy Face
- The Mary Tyler Moore Show > Mary Richards and the Incredible Plant Lady