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Season 1

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1961 - The Dick Van Dyke Show > The Sick Boy and the Sitter
- The Dick Van Dyke Show > My Blonde-Haired Brunette
- The Dick Van Dyke Show > Sally and the Lab Technician
- The Dick Van Dyke Show > Washington vs. the Bunny
- The Dick Van Dyke Show > Oh How We Met on the Night That We Danced
- The Dick Van Dyke Show > Harrison B. Harding of Camp Crowder, Mo.
- The Dick Van Dyke Show > Jealousy!
- The Dick Van Dyke Show > To Tell or Not to Tell
- The Dick Van Dyke Show > The Unwelcome Houseguest
- The Dick Van Dyke Show > The Meershatz Pipe
- The Dick Van Dyke Show > Forty-Four Tickets
- The Dick Van Dyke Show > Empress Carlotta's Necklace
- The Dick Van Dyke Show > Sally is a Girl
- The Dick Van Dyke Show > Buddy, Can You Spare a Job?
1962 - The Dick Van Dyke Show > Where Did I Come From?
- The Dick Van Dyke Show > The Curious Thing About Women
- The Dick Van Dyke Show > Punch Thy Neighbor
- The Dick Van Dyke Show > Who Owes Who What?
- The Dick Van Dyke Show > The Talented Neighborhood
- The Dick Van Dyke Show > A Word a Day
- The Dick Van Dyke Show > The Boarder Incident
- The Dick Van Dyke Show > Father of the Week
- The Dick Van Dyke Show > The Twizzle
- The Dick Van Dyke Show > One Angry Man
- The Dick Van Dyke Show > Where You Been, Fassbinder?
- The Dick Van Dyke Show > I Am My Brother's Keeper
- The Dick Van Dyke Show > The Sleeping Brother
- The Dick Van Dyke Show > The Bad Old Days
- The Dick Van Dyke Show > Sol and the Sponsor
- The Dick Van Dyke Show > The Return of Happy Spangler